Page 4 - KFSHRC-RSO-Course
P. 4

PART 2 Activities consist of the following:

• Self-check questions. These are questions at the end of each section
which are designed to test your understanding of the information
contained in that section.

• Practical activities. These are designed to enable you to put into
practice the skills which have been described in the text. They will be
arranged by your supervisor and are assessable.

• Workshops: These practical sessions will allow the participant to
practice what their have learn during the lectures.


The modules have been presented in a way which makes studying easier.
The sections, and sometimes paragraphs within the sections, have been
numbered and a list of contents appears at the beginning of each module.

Each module starts with an OVERVIEW, which gives a brief explanation of the
module contents and presents the reasons for studying the module followed
by a learning objectives which tell you what information is covered in the
module and what competencies you should have developed by the end.

Symbol Meaning

PART 3 Overview of the course

PART 4 is used to draw your attention to important points that you
should remember. In addition, key words in the text are
typed in bold print like this, to help you remember them.
is a warning that it is easy to make a mistake or become
confused about something. Take careful note of what you
are being warned about.

means that you have to go to another source to find
additional information

This is the symbol used for SELF-CHECK QUESTIONS
which are an important part of the learning process

shows that you have reached the end of a section. You
should not continue until you are sure that you understand
the previous work.

Important information from the module is summarized at
the end of each module as a list of KEY POINTS
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9