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Anwar Padhani, MBBS, FRCP, FRCR
Consultant, Radiologist & Professor
Cancer Imaging,
Paul Strickland Scanner Centre Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
Northwood, UK

Consultant Radiologist Prof. Anwar Padhani, is an internationally recognized Oncological MRI radiologist and currently, the clinical lead in MRI at the Paul Strickland Scanner Centre. He is Professor of Cancer Imaging at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. He is specialist in the clinical evaluation of advanced MRI including dynamic MRI, diffusion weighted MRI, MR spectroscopy, whole body MRI and multiparametric MRI of the prostate for primary and metastatic disease. He has a passion for teaching and has published chapters in 31 textbooks, 64 educational and scientific journal reviews in peer reviewed journals, and published over 103 full scientific articles in peer reviewed journals. Prof. Padhani has given over 250 invited lectures at national and international, scientific and educational meetings including several plenary talks. He has to his credit several education related awards including outstanding teacher award from the ISMRM in 2011 & 2012 and honored educator award from the RSNA 2011. He was the 2012 president of the International Cancer Imaging Society.

For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email: josfin@kfshrc.edu.sa, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777
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