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Damian Tolan, MD, MBChB (Leeds) FRCR
Consultant Radiologist,
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust,
Leeds, United Kingdom

Damian Tolan is a Consultant Gastrointestinal Radiologist based at St James’s University Hospital in Leeds, UK.  He has a special clinical interest in colorectal and small bowel diseases and has a clinical practice based in a large university teaching hospital in Yorkshire in the North of England. He created the Northern School of CT Colonography in 2008 which developed practical training courses teaching technique for radiographers and interpretation for radiologists and runs several courses each year, with over 500 delegates receiving hands on training over the last 7 years.  He has been on the faculty for three ESGAR CT Colonography courses and was the Course Organiser for the ESGAR course in Leeds in 2014.  He is involved in collaborative clinical research projects in a number of areas including Colorectal Adenocarcinoma and Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma,  Imaging in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Fistula in Ano .  He has coedited a successful textbook on Postsurgical Imaging of the Abdomen, published in 2012.  Damian lectures extensively in the UK and Europe and recently lectured at RSNA 2015. 

For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email: josfin@kfshrc.edu.sa, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777
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