Manohar Shroff, MD, DABR, FRCPC Professor, Radiology
Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto Radiologist in Chief, Ontasian Chair of Pediatric Imaging, Neuroradiologist, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Radiologist-in-Chief, Diagnostic Imaging, Hospital for Sick Children, Staff Neuroradiologist, - Professor of Radiology, Department of Medical Imaging; University of Toronto; Ontasian Chair of Pediatric Radiology; Co-Director, Stroke Imaging Laboratory in Children & Project Investigator, Research Institute, SickKids, Toronto, Canada.
Clinical/ Research/Educational Interests: Special research interest in neonatal imaging, pediatric stroke, pediatric multiple sclerosis and quality assurance in radiology. Co-investigator or collaborator on grants related to these areas within pediatric neuroradiology and radiology. Approximately 160 published papers and abstracts (Web of Science) of which over 100 are peer reviewed ‘Pubmed’ publications.
Strong interest in education and has been awarded “Medical Imaging Outstanding Teacher” for resident and/or fellowship teaching almost every year but one, from 2002 to 2010. Also involved in Pediatric Radiology Outreach in India through educational grants from SPR and University of Toronto.
For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email:, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777