Armin Langenegger, MS DABMP is a product manager at Mevion Medical Systems. Mr. Langenegger is involved in the development of a new single room compact Proton Therapy delivery machine for Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy.
Mr. Langenegger is board certified by the American Board of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology, a member of the American Association of Medical Physicists and a Member of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists & Engineers in Medicine and a former Member of the Australian Institute of Physics.
Mr. Langenegger has held previous positions at Varian Medical Systems as product manager for the Eclipse Treatment Planning System and as a senior product manager for Viewray Inc., assisting in the development of the worlds first MRI guided treatment device.
Previous to the industry positions, Mr. Langenegger held positions of Chief Physicist at Royal North Shore hospital in Sydney Australia, Waukesha Memorial hospital and at All Saints Healthcare in Wisconsin USA. Mr. Langenegger also held consultancy positions for the Physics Advisory Board for Varian Medical Systems as well as the Physics Advisory Board for IMPAC Medical Systems. |