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Rachid Machrafi, PhD
Associate Professor, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Ontario, Canada

Dr. Rachid Machrafi is an experimental nuclear scientist with broad experience in nuclear engineering and radiation science. He received his BSc in nuclear physics from the King MV University in Rabat- Morocco, in 1994. He did his MASc at the Voronezh State University, Russia, in 1997 and his received his Ph.D. in 2000 in experimental nuclear physics from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR-Dubna, Russia. Dr. Machrafi worked in different international institutions and collaborations in Russia, Germany, South Korea and Canada. He authored and co-authored over 100 scientific papers in radiation science and nuclear engineering. He participated and contributed to more than 50 international conferences and scientific meetings dealing with radiation science and nuclear engineering. He also worked in the industrial sector at Bubble Technology Industries, Chalk River in Canada, from 2005 to 2008. His work includes the development of radiation instrumentation, safe use of radioactive material development of radiation protection programs, and nuclear security. Since 2006, he has been involved in the radiation protection program aboard the International Space Station. In 2008, Dr. Machrafi joined the University of Ontario Institute Of Technology, Canada, and since then he has been working as a professor in the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science.

For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email: josfin@kfshrc.edu.sa, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777
Copyright © 2016 Biomedical Physics Department, KFSH&RC, Riyadh, KSA