Basics of Ultrasound and basic anatomy
Workshop Description:
ShearWave™ Elastography (SWE™) is a brand new imaging mode. Similar to when Color Doppler was first introduced, by adding SWE™ information to that of conventional imaging modes and to that of noninvasive tests, ShearWave™ Elastography is expected to improve the accuracy of staging of liver fibrosis in order to decrease the number of biopsies, to monitor cirrhotic livers to during transplantation planning.
The experience acquired from SWE™ use in real conditions allows us to present a protocol to optimize the SWE acquisition and a guide to analyze the SWE map.
Learning Objectives:
Increase the participant’s knowledge about Shearwave Elastography.
List the indications, benefits, and limitations of Shearwave Ultrasound in Liver Scanning.
Demonstrate proper procedures to produce diagnostic images.
Demonstrate scanning tips and tricks for performing Liver ultrasound examinations.
Identify normal anatomy during Liver ultrasound imaging.
For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email:, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777