Coordinator: Mehenna Arib, PhD, Head Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory., Biomedical Physics Dept., KFSH&RC, email:
Workshop Faculty: Omar Noor
Target Audience:
Medical Physicists, Dosimetrists
Prerequisites: Knowledge of dosimetry protocols (TRS398, TG51,…)
Workshop Description:
A short explanation on the objectives of the workshop and on the benefits of calibrating ionization chambers in terms of absorbed dose to water will be given followed by hands-on practical session which will include the following procedures:
Checking the alignment of the Central beam axis and the field size light cross hair
Setting up the water phantom and the chamber at the reference conditions (SSD=100 cm SSD, Field size = 10 cm X 10 cm , depth in water = 5 cm)
Setting up the electrometer (polarizing voltage, range and mode, zeroing, collecting time, ..)
Verification of the leakage current,
Determination of the reference dose rate using the Secondary standard Chamber and applying the TRS398 code of practice
Calibration of user’s chamber using substitution method and establishment of a calibration certificate
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, attendees should be able to demonstrate their understanding:
Perform the tests before the calibration of ionization chambers
Setup the experimental devices for therapy level calibration
Experimentally determine the reference absorbed dose to water using a reference chamber
Calibrate any ionization chamber in terms of absorbed dose to water
For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email:, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777