This hands-on workshop on hepatic tumour ablation includes a brief introduction and practical training in the basic principles of currently available thermal ablation systems (RFA and MWA).
Participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with ablation equipment and to practice respective procedures under in-vitro conditions using various systems. Moreover, experts will share their experience and insights in a friendly atmosphere.
By the end of the workshop participants, including those with little or no experience in tumour ablation, will become familiar with a variety of ablation techniques and will have acquired foundational skills and few tips and tricks for a safe and efficacious clinical application.
Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the most appropriate indications for hepatic tumour ablation according to present guidelines.
2. To learn technical tips and tricks for liver tumours ablation.
3. To learn about approaches in imaging guidance for liver tumour ablation.
4. To learn about limitations and complications of different ablative modalities.
For more information please contact: Ms. Josephine Veridiano, Biomedical Physics Department
Email:, Tel. No.: +966 (11) 4427879, Fax No.: +966 (11) 4424777